Tomorrow I'll be on a plane to Nicaragua to visit family and take a much needed vacation. I'm so excited because I'll be seeing and spending time with family I have not seen in two years. I'm so excited to be going to beaches and having lots of laughs. Nothing like riding on the back of a pick up truck and looking at all the beautiful scenery that just whips past you. Nicaragua is an experience. I'm extra excited because I'll be sharing that experience with my boyfriend. We are gonna have a great time.
Besides all the family fun, relaxing at the beach, or eating lots of food, I think I'm more excited about taking photographs while I'm there. I LOVE TO TAKE PICTURES! I love to capture all that my eyes see (and yes I know how corny I'm sounding!) Taking pictures is what you do to remember all the great moments you had and all the beauty you saw. I'll be posting some of my favorite photos I take when I come back from vacation.
Here I am sharing the first photos I took when I went to Nicaragua back in 2003 (last time I went was when I was four) I took these photos before I went to school to learn photography, but I think you can see that I had an "eye" for it. The passion I had to learn photography and become a professional photographer was very strong then. I thank my lucky stars I'm a professional photographer now.
The top photo was taken in the city of Granada. I photographed my cousins watching the cars drive by before we went into a restaurant for lunch.
The middle photo is my cousin running with his skim board at the beach at Montelemar. Back when I was at The Hallmark Institute of Photography, we had a class where we reviewed and critiqued photographs we had done in the past, and I had brought this one. It was a bit nervous having my worked critiqued because we had fame photographer Kevin Bubriski discussing our photos. He had nothing but kind things to say about the photograph, which gave me a big boost of pride in my work.
Last photograph is of a plant in some building that was in the city of Granada. I dont know what caught my eye about it, but I remember I had to STOP and take the photo. Now understanding "lighting" after learning it at Hallmark, I can appreciate the lighting more whenever I look back at the photo. The light falls so beautifully on the plant. One of my favorite photographs I did way back when.
So off I go to day dream about about the fun and joy I'm gonna have while on vacation. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for my vacation pictures.